Why hygge.bar?

I just wanted to jot down a few notes on, why I choose hygge.bar as the name of my solo-Mastodon-instance-home.

  1. I wanted it to be something new, domain-name-wise, for me. I haven't done anything hygge-related previously. And hygge is very Danish. So it ties in to my Danish roots well.
  2. I also wanted it to have something about togetherness. The joining of ideas. I also like to go to beer-bars, where I have had an enormous amount of exchange of ideas.
  3. bar in Danish can also mean pure. The pure exchange of ideas and thoughts. Getting new inspirations and new knowledge. Which is also kind of what the server rules is about. Since it is a solo-instance, having rules may not make much sense, but they may give an indication of what other people can expect from this instance.
  4. And then there is of course the small fact, that the domain hygge.bar was available 😆.